Hello World!

Today we are announcing that Monterey Bay Seaweeds’ blog page is going live! Dr. Michael H. Graham is a tenured faculty professor and heads the aquaculture division at Moss Landing Marine Labs in California. He is also owner of the Monterey Bay Seaweed company, which provides edible seaweed delicacies. This puts Michael in a unique position to talk about a range of topics relating to seaweeds. The blog will cover cuisine, nutrition, aquaculture practices, ecology, and cutting edge science. While we will be quick to share news, we will be just as quick in dispelling false information in the hopes that the public will be properly informed about their food choices and their environmental impacts.

Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or sign up for our news letter.


Otters and urchins and kelp ... oh my! Does your kelp forest require otters? Maybe not.