Crisp, light and salty, ogo seaweed is often found as a signature ingredient in Hawaiian poke preparations.  Ogo is also known as limo in some markets in Hawaii.  It has a fluffy texture and a deep reddish-brown color when fresh.  

Ogo is wonderful when served raw in salads, in cold broths, with shellfish preparations and with ceviches or sushi. When cooked, ogo turns from a reddish-brown to a deep green color. It can be steamed or used in cold infusions.  Pastry chefs should play with the jellifying properties of ogo, as it is one of the seaweeds used to make agar. Besides creating interesting textures in desserts, the fresh ogo will add a unique dimension and enhancement to other flavors.

Ogo has another interesting characteristic in that it turns to a bright orange when immersed in alcohol like gin. Some bartenders have harnessed this vibrant color to add a special look to a flight of shots by adding a bit of seaweed to each glass. It's both beautiful and tasty. 

Ogo Nutritional Information